OM Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan Your success is our goal

Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan

Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan Trust is located in Varanasi Uttar Pradesh in India which was established in 2020. We have been working for years to reach out to the differently abled people of the underprivileged class and rehabilitate them. “Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan” is working with all branches in India focusing on reducing disabilities and providing proper physical, social and rehabilitation to the needy. We do this through well-planned and comprehensive programs in health, education, rehabilitation, corrective surgery, helping in aid distribution, We aim for an inclusive society, where people with disabilities are accepted into the mainstream economy and social life. We believe that every single person is special and talented and is just waiting for a chance to excel.


Work for health treatment is done in ‘Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan’.


Work is done for education in ‘Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan’.


Work is done for the disabled in ‘Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan’.

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Om Sharda Sadgurudev Srijan

S. No.PictureNameQualificationDesignation
1Ashutosh Kumar DubeyBA,MA, LLB,LLMNational President
2Arun Kumar DubeyB.Com, LLBVice President
3Sashikala PandeyBA, MA, LLBTreasurer
4Ashwani Kumar DubeyBAVolunteer
5Akash Kumar Upadhyay BAVolunteer
6Gunjan PandeyBAVolunteer

©2025 OM SHARDA SADGURUDEV SRIJAN Designed by 9811529966

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